"UNI-VERSE", track was written, recorded and shooted in one day during the FESTA2H International Hip-Hop Festival 2013.
Music, Mix, Mastering, Video shooting/editing and Cover Design by Fabot
www.pipolass.net / www.facebook.com/fabotpipolass
Vocals :
Nãnci and Phoebe : www.facebook.com/NanciandPhoe...
Potent Whisper: www.potentwhisper.com
Stan: www.facebook.com/Stanlesautres
Balvada: www.facebook.com/balvada.dieng
NTM: www.facebook.com/nmun
Vocals recorded in Dakar by the one and only Marc Lee Brown.
Music, Mix, Mastering, Video shooting/editing and Cover Design by Fabot
www.pipolass.net / www.facebook.com/fabotpipolass
Vocals :
Nãnci and Phoebe : www.facebook.com/NanciandPhoe...
Potent Whisper: www.potentwhisper.com
Stan: www.facebook.com/Stanlesautres
Balvada: www.facebook.com/balvada.dieng
NTM: www.facebook.com/nmun
Vocals recorded in Dakar by the one and only Marc Lee Brown.
released 07 November 2013
all rights reserved
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