2 mar 2014

"Japalifornia" by Elliott Niezel - Tott BeBop - Ronin Beats and Rawhouse Beats

#japalifornia - The Republic of Japalifornia is a project so new and different, to describe it in only words wouldn't do it proper justice. Its an experience. A combination of two cultures - Japanese and Californian. Listen to the lyrics and vibe to the production either way I hope yall enjoy my birthday gift to you. All I want for my birthday is for you to cop this and show a friend. Thanks for everything. Elliott Niezel


released 28 February 1986

Couldn't have done this without these three incredible gentlemen - Tott BeBop - Ronin Beats - and Rawhouse Beats - I owe them more than words can describe for helping me bring this crazy little vision to life. Thank you guys so much. Eternally grateful. E.



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