4 sept 2012

The Federation (South Africa) Released 01 January 2011

NB: Please note, we would like our fans to experience the album in it's entity** That should explain the price on single tracks** 

The end of 2006 saw the dawning of a new era for two friends and long-time collaborators, MrC and Neon, with the formation a fresh, new and dynamic crew entitled The Federation. As previous lead-MC’s of the ground breaking local hip-hop group, Landmynz, the conception of the new union was a natural progression for the two MC’s.

Representatives of the underdogs and the common man in the streets, their subject matter is a true representation of ordinary life in the unpredictable and poverty-stricken streets of Soweto.

((The Album))

Hardcore Styles for Street Rap Preservation – 2011©

TWITTER: TheFederationSA
FACEBOOK: The Fedearion SA (South Africa)


released 01 January 2011




all rights reserved


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